Wednesday, March 27, 2013

An Only Child No Longer

Hey Friend,

I am an only child.  When people find this out, they look at me pitifully and ask, "Didn't you miss having brothers and sisters?"  I can truthfully answer, "No" because it's hard to miss something that you never had.  I had a very happy childhood and being an "only" gave birth to a lot of creativity.

When I had my own two children, my perspective changed somewhat.  I saw how my kids interacted with each other.  Sometimes it was good and sometimes, like when Nicole would turn the lights out while Steven was in the bathtub and make spooky noises till he cried, or when Steven would use Nicole as a dummy for checking practice for hockey, it wasn't so loving.  But, let someone on the outside take aim at one of them, the other one would (and still does) rise up like a protective mother bear.

God, in His great love and wisdom, gave me a brother almost forty years ago when I accepted Christ as my Savior.  That was a glorious day, but greater still is the relationship that has been formed and cemented over the years.  It's not about "religion"; it's about a relationship!

The Bible points to Christ being my/your brother if we open the door to our hearts to Him:

And a voice (God's) from Heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. (Matthew 3:17)

"Whoever does God's will is my brother, and sister and mother." (Jesus speaking) (Mark 3:35)

"Yet to all who received him (Jesus), to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."  (John 1:12)

I am a joint heir with Christ.  (Romans 8:17)

Christ, my brother, did for me what I could not do for myself. He took my sins/your sins to the cross.  Our sins are the thorns in His brow, the nails in His hands and feet and the piercing in His side.  Yet Christ still says, "I love you."

Easter is the greatest reminder that I have been bought at a great price.  Greater still is the fact that Jesus lives.  He's defeated the grave.  I am redeemed by Christ's blood.  What comfort, peace and overflowing joy that brings me.

I have been reconciled to God through the death of Jesus. (Romans 5:10)

Jesus is my Savior, my friend, my brother.  I am an only child no longer!

May the joy of Easter and the kinship with Christ bless you and keep you.

