Several of my writing friends participate in the "Five Minute Friday" community of writers. Their "word" to write on, freely and spontaneously, for five minutes was "tired." Let me tell you, there are A LOT of tired women out there!!
We are sleep deprived, stressed out, worn out, worn down. We put ourselves last on the priority list - somewhere after the husband, kids, church commitments, school committees, carpools, and even the dog.
In February, I wrote about how self care was not only necessary, but was a command from God. We are God's temple and we need to take good care of ourselves. Good grooming is even addressed in Scripture.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do. Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. (Ecclesiastes 9:7-8)
My sweet husband asks me each morning on our walk with the dog, "So, what are you going to do good for yourself today?" Sometimes I have to really think on this one. I admit I am not one you will find in the nail salon on a regular basis. I let my hair go way too long between visits to the stylist. Frankly, I'm not very good at pampering myself. I can't remember the last time I took a bubble bath and listened to soothing music.
The small things we do for ourselves, on a daily basis, don't have to cost money. It can be as simple as taking time out for a ten minute walk, or flipping mindlessly through the catalogs that have piled up, or actually reading the book on our nightstand during the day with a nice cup of tea vs. when we fall asleep with it on our chest at bedtime.
People have told me that I have a nice smile. Frankly, though, it's become a little yellowed due to age and yes, I love my coffee. So, when I was approached by Ashley with Smile Brilliant to do a test trial of their professional teeth whitening system and report my progress to readers, I hesitated, but then thought....this is what I am going to do good for myself today.
AND...the best part is that I get to give a kit away FREE to one lucky reader. Value of the kit for "Sensitive Teeth" (deluxe kit) is $149.
AND...even if you don't win, Smile Brilliant will offer you a significant discount on a kit just for participating in this drawing. It's a win-win!!
Here's what I've done so far: I've taken my lovely "before" pictures (seen here). I even did the tissue test. Aren't these attractive??
What I like, so far, is that they make custom molds of your teeth. So these are not just generic trays that wiggle around. They stay firmly on your teeth. They are easy to use. I just put the whitening gel in my molds, pop them in, and do my work. I can actually talk while whitening lol. You can whiten anywhere from 45 minutes up to 3 hours. I've been averaging about 2 hours. I then follow with the desensitizing gel. I can honestly say I have had no difficulty with sensitivity on my teeth or gums.
I will do this for 14 days. Check in on my post next week which will be about the 9 day mark for lovely updated pictures. Then, when I'm finished, I will present the final reveal!!
Meanwhile, if you want in on the drawing. Over the next two weeks, leave a comment that says, "I want to Smile Brilliant." You can also leave a comment on my regular post content. Add your current email address to your comment. Or if you don't feel comfortable, email it to me at my "Contact Me" tab.
Like I said, even if you don't "win," you can still get a substantial discount. You can't lose!
So all this being said, I want to ask YOU....What are you going to do good for yourself today? Would you please share in the comments and commit to following through? I'll be checking up on you :)
Be blessed......