This is my first try at a "Musings" type post. Other bloggers plan these posts. Me? I didn't have God waking me up at 3 am. saying, "Write this." So, as I stared at the blank page, these thoughts came to mind. Warning!! My mind switches tracks like a runaway goes.
I live in the South and we are supposed to have mild winters with above freezing temps and little snow. Though we didn't get pummeled with snow like our northern friends, we did have the "Winter That Would Never End." I'd put away my winter coat, thinking it's finally over, only to have to pull it back out again. The waiting gets old....
It reminds me of the "winter seasons" of my soul. There have been many times when I have cried out, "How long Oh Lord?" There have been painful seasons that I thought would never end and that joy would never be found again. I may not have all the answers to the question, "Why?" What I DO know is that through the winter seasons, God drew me in under the refuge of His wing where I was warm and protected.
I learned that, if I was going to make it through, I had to surrender it all and utterly rely and depend upon Him. I had to let go of "me and my agenda."
I learned that joy and pain can coexist and that God is good and He has a master plan that is for my best. He is good and He is faithful. I can trust Love's heart!
Though weeping endures for the night (and it may be a long night), joy DOES come in the morning. (amplification mine) Psalm 30:5
Tea to raise funds for Redeemer Christian Foundation, Inc.
In March we had a lovely Tea in the Pittsburgh area to raise funds for the orphans and destitute children in the Middle East that RCF, Inc. serves. 37 women came together and raised over $3,400. to help equip the larger school facility into which we recently moved.
We now have the ability to get up to 90 precious lives off the streets, out of harm's way, and into a loving Christian school....Praise!
We take for granted that we can go to the faucet or the refrigerator and pour ourselves a refreshing glass of water. Not so in this part of the world. The students were intrigued by this unfamiliar water dispenser from which you could magically get sanitary drinking water with a push of a button. Oh the luxuries we take for granted. One by one they stepped up to enjoy the clean, fresh water. Joy!!
The children will secretly celebrate Easter and Jesus' resurrection within the safety of their school walls. In this part of the world you can legally be stoned to death if you say that Jesus is Lord and Savior. You can be thrown in jail and the key thrown away if you are caught carrying a Bible.
Keep this in mind as you head off to Easter Sunday services. Oh that we can praise His name....but do we?
Though our world seems to be decaying, Jesus is taking His love right smack dab into the devil's backyard and we get to be part of it!! Praise!
Drum roll.....the BIG REVEAL:
Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening "Before" Picture
Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening "After" Pictures
Here is my "Reveal" after two weeks of using the Smile Brilliant Professional Teeth Whitening System for Sensitive Teeth. I have to say it was easy to use. The custom molds fit my teeth and I could even talk with them in. (Much to my husband's dismay lol). I wasn't bothered by sensitivity and you can see the results.
I am giving away a FREE Teeth Whitening Kit for Sensitive Teeth (Value $149.).
To enter the drawing to win a FREE kit, just write "I want to Smile Brilliant" in the comments and you will be entered. If you aren't able to comment, email me and let me know you'd like to be entered. Even if you don't WIN the package, you will still get an offer for 25%'s a no brainer.
A few weeks ago, I asked, "What are you going to do good for yourself today?" Perhaps this is it. If not, be good to yourself in some small way. Self care is not selfish and it's not a sin. Self care and rest are scriptural!
Christ came and died so that we could have life and have it abundantly and so that we could spend eternity with Him. Take Him up on His goodness today, won't you??
May you have a blessed and joyous Easter and may you live in the redeeming love that His ultimate sacrifice makes available...He is Risen...He is Risen indeed!
Be blessed...