I generally stay out of the political arena and please don't take this to mean that I'm apathetic about the upcoming election. I do care, but I'm not getting worked up or overly anxious about it. Here are some reasons why...
I know a little bit about the Roman Caesars through the ages. "Caesar" was the highest political rank in the Roman Empire (and the world for that matter). These leaders were known for being tyrannical, paranoid, narcissists who led extravagant and opulent lifestyles. They were liars and cheaters with a thirst for power and were known to insight civil wars. (Anything sound familiar??)
Not surprisingly, John wrote of the Apocalypse during Domitian's reign. Domitian persecuted Christians and Jews and was fond of throwing them to the lions to devour.
Many of the Caesars murdered dissenters in tortuous ways. Nero burned Christians on stakes to light his gardens where he "breathed in the stench of burning flesh and laughed heartily while singing songs and playing his lyre".
Tiberius, one of several pedophiles, raped infants and young boys. He was self-absorbed and frequented whorehouses. He was particularly fond of impaling, burning, and beheading those who disagreed or dissented.
Elagabalus was known for cross dressing and for starting civil wars. Caligula, who many thought was possessed, because of his awesomely disgusting, insane, lurid, and depraved crimes against humanity and morality. He was known for his sex orgies at banquets - many in which, he raped his sisters.
So why do I say all this?
Compared to these "leaders", Hillary and Donald look like a walk in the park.
Even this list of "Crazy Caesars" didn't...couldn't thwart God and His plans to save the world through His Son, Jesus Christ.
God's plan for Good was undaunted by man's depravity.
God works in unlikely ways at unlikely times. Even in the horrible chaos, He is in control. Only He can bring beauty from ashes.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
My security, hope, and identity are not found in a man, woman, or political figure...they are found in Christ ALONE. Salvation comes only from God and not from a human leader.
I love the hymn that states:
"On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand."
Christ, alone, is my solid rock and my refuge. God knows what He's doing...I can trust Him...I can trust Love's heart.
I love how Oswald Chambers puts it in "My Utmost For His Highest":
"Our real test is in truly believing that God knows what He desires. The things that happen do not happen by chance - they happen entirely by the decree of God. God is sovereignly working out His purposes."
Out of love, God gave us free will even though He knew that we would do horrible things with it. But God, is ALWAYS in the business of bringing redemption and renewal from the stench of consequences in which we find ourselves.
No cause is too lost, no person so far removed that God can't bring them back to Himself.
Lastly, I know how the story ends. I don't have to be anxious or shake with fear and trepidation as to what's going on in our world. I still see glimmers of heaven and one day....yes one day....God will call His faithful to eternity in paradise with Him. Meanwhile, I pray...
With that as my hope, He enables me to ride out these storms with peace in my heart.
How about you? In these turbulent times, where is your security? Where do you look for hope? How do you face the days and times ahead?
Dear Heavenly Father, when I look around me and see no signs of hope, help me to trust in you because you and you alone are the source of my hope. Be with our leaders, whoever they will be, that they would seek discernment and wisdom from you. Guide them to be moral, just, and fair and to seek your will in their governing. Be with us all, Lord, and heal our land. Forgive us for our iniquities and guide us to rise up and claim you as sovereign over all. Give me peace in my heart, Lord, as I look around me. Let me know, with deep assurance, that you are in control and nothing can thwart your divine plan. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
ps. Can you help make Christmas happen for the least of these?? Just $25. will bring the Joy of Christmas to a child, who otherwise, would not receive a thing this Christmas. We still have 30 children not yet covered to receive a gift.