Saturday, July 16, 2016

For When You're Struggling

Hey Friend,

I got to know Donna through our mutual enjoyment of a devotional blog called (in)courage (  I've shared my struggles with OCD induced anxiety and depression with you before.  I do well most of the time, but on this one particular day I was in the middle of an "episode". 

I was struggling to hold onto God's Truth.  My mind was filled with doubts, and the more it was filled with doubts, the more guilt and shame crept in along with downright fear.  I was sure God was disappointed in my lack of faith and He felt so very far away.  My mind was swimming with negative thoughts and I couldn't push them out no matter how hard I tried. 

You may not have OCD or depression, but I'm sure there have been times when you've struggled.  Struggled with negative thoughts, or doubt, or fear.  Thanks to Donna's reminding...I remembered just who is at work when I am most vulnerable...  the enemy (I call him the creep).  The enemy is a vengeful foe.  He seeks to isolate and destroy us and our minds are his battlefield. 

Recognizing who and what we are battling is the fist step in victory when we are struggling.

I'd like to share a letter to me from Donna in its entirety.  It brought great comfort knowing I was not alone and helped alleviate a lot of the guilt and shame I was experiencing.  In the battle with the enemy...she joined forces with me and I am forever grateful.

"They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony."  (Revelation 12:11)