Friday, July 5, 2013

When Not In The Word

Hey Friend,

Yes, I am a little late on my weekly post...I had great intentions of writing something beautiful and stirring about this great Nation we live in, but the words didn't flow.  Then I thought I could take a whimsical look at the 4th of July as a holiday and mention how there is a day for just about everything.  Take July for example: first comes Independence Day on the 4th; then comes National Chocolate Day on the 7th; followed by National Ice Cream day on the 21st; and finally Parents' Day on the 28th.

So we emancipate our children on the 4th; we give them a caffeine buzz on the 7th; follow it up with "brain freeze" and a sugar high on the 21st and then when all that's said and done, we parents have to recuperate on the 28th...clever, but then the pen dried up.

What is my problem I ask myself?  Why can't I write? 

And then it dawns on me...I haven't been in the word...I am like a withered rose on the vine.  I've been basking in the sunshine, enjoying the passersby, but I haven't been drinking from my roots.  There certainly has been enough rain (literally and figuratively).  My Bible sits on the table beside me where I usually sit to write, but this week it's been collecting more dust than usual.  There sits a wealth of "living water" but I haven't paused long enough to take a long drink.

"I am the vine and you are the branches.  Those who remain in Me and I in them, will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."  (John 15:5)

I am unable to bear fruit, if you will, because I have not been abiding in the Lord.  He is the vine and I am the branch.  Without His word flowing through my stem, I quickly wither and dry up.  Without spending time at His feet reading and listening I can do nothing.  It doesn't say, "Apart from me you can do 80%, or 50% or even 10%" says I can do NOTHING.

Wow!  It really is true!  The old Bev would have immediately gone into self condemnation mode; beating myself up for getting so caught up in the world that I forgot about God.  How could I do that?  He's always there for me?  But the Bev under grace knows that:

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)

God has lovingly used this experience, not to chide me, but to say, "Child, I love you and long to spend time with you.  Put away the cares of the world for awhile and just be in my presence." 

"Be still, and know that I am God..." (Psalm 46:10)

And so, for a long while, I am still.  I set aside the world with all its clamor and chaos that demands my attention and I drink in God's Holy word.  Like a parched runner I feel the hydration returning to my body.  I am drinking up water from deep within my roots and then it happens...the words begin to flow...

May you drink deeply from His word this week my dear friend.  You will be glad you did.




  1. I love you, Bev! Your words always happen to be just what I need. This past week felt like a rough one for me. I've had too many condemning thoughts. And I know it's because I keep pushing time with God to the side. I'm not making Him my priority. So friend, thank you for this reminder to "drink deeply from His word." Wishing you a beautiful weekend. Much love and (((hugs))). Beth

    1. Beth,
      As much as you can, do not listen to the voice of condemnation - that is the signature of the enemy!! Believe me, I know it all too well. God would say, "I delight in are my child!" Together let's drink in His word and live in His amazing grace! Love you dear friend...((hugs)) Bev

  2. Bev, once again you've inspired me with your words! I am grateful to you, friend! God has given you the gift of words, that is for sure.
    I sure needed this wonderfully-written reminder that i need to slow...down..... and get my soul-satisfying refreshment from His Word!
    Love you much!

  3. Lisa,
    I seem to need to be reminded a lot...we all do. Thankfully God lovingly reminds me to put Him first. Thanks for your encouragement in letting me be real! Love you too, Bev

  4. Glad to learn about Chocolate Day and Ice Cream Day!! Even better to be encouraged in daily Bible study through your beautiful analogy of the parched rose on the vine. Thank you for sharing!! (Stopping by from Behind the Scenes)

  5. Taryn,
    Thanks for stopping by! Of course every day could be chocolate day for me!! Blessings to you, Bev

  6. Ah...another refreshing soul-filling drink from the WORD which flows from your heart-felt post. Thank you, Bev!! (I'm glad that I now have "stumbled upon" your second post since God brought you into my blogosphere!) :-)

    1. RoseAnn,
      Again, thank you for stopping by on your journey through cyber space! I took a peek at your blog...why are you not writing? You eloquently express yourself and obviously enjoy writing...just a question. You are always welcome to stumble upon my blog. Wish I could pour you a cup of coffee/tea and chat! Always, Bev


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