Thursday, August 22, 2013

God Loves Us In The Midst Of Our Messy Lives

Hey Friend,

I finally found it...the copy of "Real Simple" magazine that I was hunting for through the cluttered pile of magazines and newspapers on my coffee table.  Alas, there it is with the captions that had caught my eye.  "A Place For Everything!  Ingenious Organizing Systems To Clear The Clutter For Good".

Ironic, kind of, wouldn't you say? Just follow these ten easy steps and your life will be completely organized, miraculously changed and you will be a much happier person.  I admit that I crave organization and simplicity, but my life and house are anything but organized and simple.  I think it is in my DNA to be a clutter-bug?!

This trait, unfortunately, draws me into the "comparison game"...a deadly game at best.  This is where I look around and compare myself to the other people, women in particular, that I see keeping tidy and organized lives and houses. Secretly I muse...they probably have a chore calendar for every day of the week and have all their meals planned out in advance.  My method involves opening the freezer door and whatever falls out onto my feet is dinner for that evening.

In addition to comparing myself to others, I have had the audacity to compare myself to about an impossible mountain to climb!  When I seek perfection in my life, I am being prideful and think that somehow I can achieve perfection on my own.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that God loves us in the midst of our messy lives.  He is mindful of our frame and the messes we make of our lives.  You see:

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

No matter how big or small the mess, we ALL fall short of the mark.  Perfection-what we need to stand face to face with God is impossible for us to attain on our own.  We NEED GRACE!

"Life isn't about getting it right - but about receiving grace." (A. Voskamp)

God's grace, like rain, falls down on the broken, the down-trodden, the despised, the lonely, those who have failed and yes, even the mess makers.
Read the Beatitudes (blessed are those...) and you see what a heart God has for those who struggle and come up short in life.  All He wants is for us to turn to Him and He is ready and able to pour out His incredible love upon us. 

If your life is a mess, rejoice, you are a great candidate for God's grace.

What changes do you need to make to lead a life governed by grace vs. a life that is dictated by the bar set by this world?  Will you join me in inviting God's grace into your messy life?  He's ready and willing to love on you...




  1. Great post! Just what I need to hear in the current state of mess brought on by the start of the school year. Can you relate?

  2. Thanks for popping by again...that made my day! Yes, this is a hectic time of year and it leaves me wondering where the summer disappeared to? On the calendar for fall is cleaning out and purging from my messy closet lol. Blessings to you as a new school year begins,

  3. Joining you my friend. My mornings have been beautiful this week as I've been waking 30 minutes earlier to allow for time with only Him. I'm doing the Hello Mornings Challenge and studying from Ephesians...I just love Paul! The time has been blessing me in so many ways and is everything I need right now. I'm allowing His grace to cover me...messy life and all. Happy Friday to you. Have a blessed weekend. Much love and (((hugs))),

    1. Beth,
      Since I am an early riser, I will be right with you having some quiet time with God. I've come to cherish this time in the morning!! His grace is more than sufficient for all of our messes!! Happy Sunday to you...
      Love and ((hugs)),

  4. Oh I love this line... if your life is a mess, you are a candidate for God's grace... isn't there just so much truth in that sentence today. Thank you for sharing friend.

  5. Tonya,
    Thanks for stopping by! Yes, there is truth in that sentence and due to my mess, I am most definitely a candidate for God's unfailing grace! Blessings to you friend,

  6. So very true. There comes such freedom in that place when we realize "good enough" is okay. But letting go of that perfection is so hard to do isn't it!? As a fellow clutter bug I feel like I spend all of my time getting rid of stuff that accumulates and never feeling I've gotten rid of enough. And let's not even speak of my housekeeping "skills". LOL So thankful for God's grace!


  7. Karla,
    Thanks so much for stopping by. My heart smiled when I saw your post! Sounds like we have A LOT in common. With my upcoming marriage, I am having to really purge and declutter. It's a slow process, but feels good when I make a little progress. So glad God drew us together!
    Blessings dear friend,


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